The supply chain faces many types of challenges. Temperature is one of those issues. Consider the strain that is put on mobile computers when they are brought back and forth between a 100 degree loading dock and a freezer that is -20 degrees or less.
Battery Issue with Cold Temperature Computers:
Many lithium ion batteries cannot handle the severe temperatures needed to operate cold temperature computers. This is the same reason that many all electric cars are not suitable for some states in the northern U.S. Mobile workers in warehouse situations will have a hard time depending on standard lithium ion batteries. There is an alternative with low impedance lithium ion batteries, or even lead acid batteries.
Avoid Detaching Connectors:
Connectors are typically clip in. This works for a majority of uses when connecting a peripheral device to computer. However, a variable to help ensure maximum up time, you will want to consider having screw in connections. These connections are stronger, more reliable and can act as a seal against letting in moister. Moister can damage the connection.
Seek Durable Materials
Like how connections can allow for condensation to enter, so too can the house. When picking a unit, make sure the housing is strong enough to resist the temperature swings the warehouse versus the loading dock. Also make sure that while in the warehouse is can sustain a person dropping it on the floor.
A worker in a cold storage warehouse. In these working conditions additional equipment considerations must be given for reliability and productivity. |
I'll keep writing about this for future entries
Kyle Sarasin